African tourism trends in the age of developing smart cities

By Press Release 18 October 2017

Elias Aad, Vice President, Government Solutions Lead, Mastercard Advisors discusses African tourism trends in the age of developing smart cities. FULL STORY >


Cities are key to the next automotive revolution

By Press Release 7 August 2017

The city and the car have been interacting for generations, but this latest phase of their evolution is different, writes the Head of Audi South Africa Trevor Hill. FULL STORY >


Philips Lighting: More to illumination than meets the eye

By Ryan Noik 26 June 2017

Lighting is not nearly as simple as is quickly assumed. Reggie Nxumalo, the general manager of Philips Lighting Southern Africa, explains. FULL STORY >


IoT and Smart Cities: Critical necessity with profound benefits

By Press Release 24 May 2017

The Internet of Things is a fundamental component of Smart Cities, and SqwidNet (a DFA subsidiary) is already in the process of deploying IoT infrastructure across South Africa. In fact, network coverage will exceed 85% of the... FULL STORY >


Living in the 'Future Cities' of tomorrow: Innovation brings the future closer

By Press Release 31 March 2017

Digital technology holds the key to the successful transformation of cities. It can accelerate and enable economic prosperity and commerce, improve safety and security, and make a real impact on the quality of life... FULL STORY >


Nokia's Smart City Playbook identifies best practices from 22 global smart cities including Cape Town

By Press Release 9 November 2016

Report developed by Machina Research on behalf of Nokia examines the strategies of 22 cities as they become smart, safe and sustainable. It distils three different smart city approaches and... FULL STORY >


All-flash data centres will power smart cities

By Press Release 25 October 2016

Smart cities have been viewed by sceptics as a futuristic concept with little evidence to suggest their coming to reality. However, smart cities, whether built from the ground up or the top down are coming. Therefore, while town planners and OEMs... FULL STORY >


EMC and IDC join forces to foster smart city conversation

By Ryan Noik 18 July 2016

While there has been much talk about smart cities, one of the most cogent discussion of the benefits, challenges and complexity associated with smart cities has come from EMC and IDC at a recent round table event in Sandton. FULL STORY >


Understanding and planning key to building sustainable smart cities

By Staff Writer 20 May 2016

When building sustainable cities, it is vital to first understand the difference between a smart city and a sustainable city. FULL STORY >


Smart cities: Five security areas CIOs should watch

By Staff Writer 12 April 2016

The new wave of smart city services and technologies are also expected to create new security vulnerabilities. Here are five areas CIOs should watch out for. FULL STORY >


South Africa’s quest for smart cities: Today’s journey into tomorrow’s reality

By Staff Writer 25 February 2016

In the past, the concept of smart cities may have been a lofty consideration for a Sunday afternoon, but smart cities are no longer a preference — they are quickly becoming a critical necessity. FULL STORY >


Is South Africa ready for smart cities?

By Staff Writer 29 July 2015

The concept of the ‘smart city’ is growing in popularity as more and more connected technologies emerge. FULL STORY >


Gartner says smart cities will use 1.1 billion connected things in 2015

By Staff Writer 18 March 2015

Increasing urbanisation is putting unprecedented pressure on city mayors to constantly balance the challenge of resource constraints against environmental sustainability concerns. Gartner, Inc. estimates that 1.1 billion... FULL STORY >

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